eBook – Morning Evening Trader
Striking Morning or Evening Gold
How to score consistent profits part-time day trading with a full-time job.
It happened purely by accident.
On the morning of January 24th, 1848, James Marshall was checking out the stream below his sawmill and saw ‘shiny flecks’.
They weren’t huge and could have been easily missed. They were bright and brittle, yet malleable. He tried them against other rocks and found that they could be beating into a different shape, but not broken.
He knew it at once. He had snagged gold. Not just any gold. 96% pure gold.
The four or five pieces he gathered up had life changing implications. And not just for James, but for an entire country and thousands of families.
If you want to strike consistent profits before or after work, tear a page from history’s Gold Rush! Some had a system and a plan and scored. Others just took their chances and failed.
Set aside the reality that you have no idea what direction it will buck. And stop thinking about what will happen if you fall off.
This would be the beginning of something huge: The California Gold Rush.
In less than two years over 300,000 people would make their way to California with hopes of striking it rich. First it was the native Californians in the spring of 1848, then followed the prospectors from around the country and world in the following year 1849. Thus the birth of the now famous ‘49ers’.
Every day, millions of modern day 49rs find their way into the market hoping to snag what James found that fateful day… a little bit of trading gold.
Some leave their jobs and put up their life savings in hopes of striking it rich and retiring with the life they’ve always dreamed of.
Others take a more prudent, methodical approach.
They keep their day job and decide to mind for trading gold in their spare time – usually mornings and evenings.
Conventional wisdom would have you believe that you can never be successful doing this. That the ‘money’ sessions at opening bell are the only times when you can turn a profit.
In reality, you can generate a steady profit with part-time day trading. The kind of profit that could easily overtake the income you currently lean on with your full-time job.
In fact, there are thousands of traders around the world that are doing exactly that. They are trading for a few minutes in the morning, or evening, or both.
Some would have you believe that you can’t make a profit trading part-time before or after work. Not true! There is plenty of price action and lots of profit potential - as long as you know what to look for!
And they’re making a killing doing it.
This isn’t to say that it happens overnight, or that there isn’t a learning curve. But the secret no one ever wants to share is pretty breathtaking… it’s actually easy.
The key? You simply need to get past the tricks, traps and absolute bull that many part-time traders fall for. These are the shiny but fake illusions of profit that do nothing but discourage you and clear out your account.
Perhaps you’ve dealt with this before?
We call it fool’s gold.
Chapter 1:
Fools Gold: The shiny trading traps that most part-time traders fall for.
It didn’t take long for the tales of riches to circulate between 1848 and 1849. One man, Joe Dye made $40,000 in seven weeks. William Daylor and Perry McCoon partnered up and made $17,000 in just one week. A twelve year-old boy was said to have found $2,700 in two days.
Talk about fast money. The above finds alone come to almost $60K. Adjusted for today… that’s a cool $1.9 million! Enough to make anyone happy for a few weeks worth of work.
Sadly, that wasn’t the story for most of the miners that found their way. Many were lucky to leave broke. In fact, 1 in 5 minors died.
Even though there was plenty of gold to go around… many miners didn’t expect the inflated costs and price gouging they were subject to.
That’s right, merchants selling food and supplies took full advantage of the hopeful, but ignorant 49ers that came to town. A single egg was $3-4… adjusted for today that‘s $25 an egg. Outrageous but true.
The same exact dynamic is taking place in today’s trading market. Hopeful traders with a lot to learn set up an account and start panning for golden trades. Sure they might experience some early wins, but in the end they give their original principal back – and then some.
This can be the case for all traders, and especially full-time day traders.
That’s right day trading full time can actually be a horrible idea. Not just ‘bad’ or ‘not ideal’. Horrible.
Why? Simply because more time in the market, or looking at the market equates to more risk.
Millions of hopeful day traders head into a session, a cup of coffee in hand only to spend hours watching losing trade after losing trade clear their account.
Meanwhile the supposed ‘educators’ and software providers laugh all the way to the bank, never giving a single thought to the outcome of your trades.
In many cases they’ve fallen prey to one of the following common traps:
- Magical Indicators: These are the one-hit-wonder indicators that cost thousands of dollars and don’t do a darn thing. They come with all the bells and whistles – but have no reliable track record or real ability to help you generate profits.
>> The problem with these indicators: Many of them are bad knock-offs of institutional indicators that are really designed to work with very large accounts with hundreds of millions of dollars – if not billions. They simply aren’t designed to work with small accounts. - Time Wasted: If you’re trading with a small account… anything less than $100K you often find yourself babysitting trade after trade. You enter and wait (hope) for your trade to become profitable. The stress, second guessing and fatigue that immediately sets in as the market toys with your money leads to all sorts of horrible decisions that follow. If you’ve been trading for any amount of time, this is a feeling you know all too well.
>> The problem with more time to trade: You sit in positions for too long, often waiting for them to pan out or hoping to rake in more profit than the market will give you. This extra time? It’s not an advantage. It’s an incredible risk. Additionally, you likely spend all kinds of hours prepping for entries and exits that simply don’t materialize.
Look at it this way: If you had a sizable trading account – say $500K – and you delivered a respectable 10% return at the end of the year that’s $50K.
Would $50K meet your expectations and needs for a full-time income?
Would it be worth day trading 7-8 stress filled hours a day… every day… for a year?
After you paid for that $5,000 indicator would the remaining $45K be worth it?
Probably not.
Here’s the deal: If you have a small account and would like to retire in this lifetime… day trading isn’t where the money is at.
Instead, you can join the ranks of traders with full-time jobs that are nabbing a reliable, and reasonable profit – while living their life.
We’re talking a couple of hundred bucks every day. Sure there will be losers along the way, but they will be small and manageable. Better yet for your account, the profits will be steady.
And that translates into income that you can build on and count on.
Chapter 2:
Ideal Mining Conditions: The key elements you need to make morning and evening sessions profitable.
Because California gold sat in gravel beds at the bottom of rivers and streams, prospectors were able to simply walk up or wade in… and start panning. The issue with panning? It’s all done by guessing can’t be scaled.
The same is true if your panning in any futures or forex market with one strategy or a single indicator. The odds that you’ll consistently spot profitable trades are very low. Especially if your time is limited in the morning or evening.
Often part-time day traders believe that they can quickly grab a few scalp trades in a handful of futures or forex markets. They follow the same approach: They plot support and resistance levels on their chart. They watch price action and then they make their best, most informed entry.
Perhaps they have an oscillator or an indicator added to their chart to help inform their decision. They’re better off stopping by the casino on their way to work. The odds of success are about the same.
Why? They’re missing the foundation that every part-time trader needs.
That foundation starts with knowing how to scale your trading while focusing it at the same time. This can be done by incorporating three basic elements:
- Integrated Strategies: Entry and exit set-ups that take advantage of short-term time frames and price action. We’re talking about a series of simple, off the shelf trades that you can execute without thinking. Instead of nursing a trade along for hours, you need set-ups that you can grab profits from in less than an hour.
- Daily Market Scenarios: A way to immediately know the market condition you’re in and exactly what strategies you should be prepared to deploy. Many traders execute the same strategy, time after time, completely blind to the fact that their strategy is not a fit for that day’s market condition.
- Targeted Trading Zones: Special tools that help you zero in on the exact moments you should be stalking trades at the tips of the market. Morning and evening sessions are packed with price action that you can take advantage of.
These are the basic ingredients you need to deliver the results you’re looking for during every morning and/or evening session.
To be clear: You don’t need a doctorate in math or market dynamics to build a system that has these critical elements.
Nope. In fact, much of what you need is right in front of you during every session. You simply need a way to see it and a system to help trade it.
It’s important to point out that were focusing on strategies that will allow you to complete your session, bag profits and get on with your day or evening. This system won’t work if you are having to watch a white knuckle trade during your workday… or worse yet, stay up to 2 in the morning because the evening session didn’t go as planned.
Regardless of your schedule, or flexibility… effective trading strategies are ones that get you in and out of the market in a reliable manner, with a trade that is short in duration.
These strategies should also be completely neutral when it comes to the futures or forex market you’re trading – and the time frame your trading them in.
Let’s zero in on three strategies you can use tomorrow.
Chapter 3:
Smart Gold: Three critical elements that profitable part-time day trading uses.
The influx of people into California was so great during the gold rush that entire towns, complete with roads and churches appeared almost overnight. In fact, at the time California wasn’t actually a state yet. That, along with everything else changed immediately.
Along the way, fortunes were made and lost in the blink of an eye.
Sure there were plenty of miners that struck it rich looking for gold. But the ones who made the real, sustainable wealth? Like the merchants selling eggs and pickaxes… the smart money diversified. They focused on the supporting goods and services that would be needed in the coming decades and centuries.
And they scooped up steady profits regardless of the mining conditions.
Smart traders do the same exact thing. They deploy a diversified set of strategies designed to take advantage of market conditions – regardless of what price is doing or who is Tweeting what.
They are prepared to profit because they are surgical with their timing and they’ve set reasonable expectations. They aren’t looking for $1,000 a trade, they’re looking for $150. They aren’t putting up $100,000 in their account, they’re working with $5,000.
The best part? They’re cleaning up along the way.
Here’s what they know and have that makes a huge difference.
Supply and Demand Structure: The foundation of every trade starts with supply and demand. Unless you know the exact levels where the market is overbought and/or oversold – you have absolutely no basis for an entry. It’s the lack of this exact intel that causes traders to enter in the chop.
Check out the below S&P ES chart. Here we have Real-Time Supply and demand levels plotted via a simple yet powerful tool. It’s no coincidence that price has a habit of consistently reversing when it hits these levels.
It’s not a magical black box formula that creates these levels. It’s a known market dynamic that is based on the results of the buy and sell activity within each candle’s auction.
While the rest of the world haplessly watches red and green candles fly all over the place without any real clue as to where the market might be headed – traders in the know are stalking supply and demand zones.
This crucial addition to your chart allows you to remove the wasted time on losing trades as well as the second guessing that drains your confidence – not to mention your trading account.
If you don’t know where the Supply and Demand Inefficiencies are, you might as well set fire to the cash in your account. Every trade will be blind.
For and morning and evening warriors, this allows you to make the most of your limited time to zero in on reversal and continuation trades that you can have confidence in.
Since your time is limited, it’s critical that you would with charts on a shorter time frame to surface more entry opportunities. Comparing the Supply and Demand structure on a 10 minute chart to a three minute chart, you can see that there are plenty of reversal and continuation entry opportunities.
Cut out the clutter and focus every morning/evening session by knowing exactly what price levels to stalk.
Remember that the keys to success are speed and focus. So now that we have the Supply and Demand zones to work with as our overall structure – we need to layer in precise buy and sell entry points.
Now that you have Supply and Demand zones to work with thanks to auction activity – you can start to layer in precise entry points.
Integrated Entry Options: In order to back profits during every session, you have to have a series of off-the-shelf entries that you can pinpoint and use. Recall, taking the same entry strategy into every market is a recipe for disaster. Simple, safe, fire-and-forget entries that take advantage of price action are critical.
If you’ve ever experienced the frustration that comes from looking at a chart for hours, wondering if a reversal is really coming – or if a trend will continue – you know what pure frustration feels like. And for many traders, those are the only two options they see in any market. Not enough, and not a fit for morning and evening session trading.
It’s critical to note that price action is different in the morning and evening sessions than during the day cash session. As a result, you need entry strategies that are designed to take advantage of these price moves.
Depending on the market conditions you’re dealing with and the time frame that you’re trading – you can boil your entry strategies down to a few basics.
Here are three you can trade tomorrow.
1. Quick Reversal: Using the Supply and Demand structure as your starting point – you can grab very quick reversal trades that are 5-15 minutes in duration. Check out the ES chart below.
We’re not going after everyone of these that are flagged for us – but we are interested in the ones that coincide with these foundational Supply and Demand levels. As you can see, there are three – big tick opportunities – in the early market hours.
2. Fast Continuation: Take advantage of the multiple micro-trends that most traders never see – or only see after it’s all too late. Using the Supply and Demand zones as mini-breakout points you can enter with short continuation trades. Check out another ES chart on a 1 minute timeframe.
Again, we’re working with short timeframes because we’re looking to get in, and right back out. When we get the signal for a short continuation trade, the Supply and Demand zones above can be used as a reference point for the stop. No guesswork required, the stop is placed with the orange arrow.
Note that you’re only in this trade for 7-8 minutes before another continuation signal comes through. The profit at this point? Over $100.
3. Dynamic Breakout: Instead of guessing and hoping for a breakout, you can stalk them and plot them. These trades aren’t any longer in duration, they’re just more explosive with a chance to hit your profit target in one trade for that session.
Once a breakout opportunity is flagged for us, we can look immediately to the Support and Resistance levels for a target. Using the same exact ES morning session, we see a breakout signal to go long.
Price action has already broken above the 2857, so we can look past that to the 2858.50 zone where we have two Supply and Demand levels marked. Welcome to target number one.
As price advanced, notice that two more Supply and Demand levels appeared. This is the perfect opportunity to adjust your stop to an established Support and Resistance level. Doing so helps lock in your profit in the event that there’s an unexpected move against your position.
And the profit from this move? $360+. Pencils down. Session over. $460 over just a couple of hours. Now you can enjoy breakfast and head to the office.
It turns out that, however that this morning session is not done coughing up profits. In fact there is another opportunity to go short, followed by another opportunity to go long.
With the additional long signal, you are simply following the Supply and Demand structure for your entry and your stop. As the trade advances, you have another opportunity to advance your stop and lock in profits.
When the target is hit – you have yet another $125 in profit. All in, this session actually had a total of six trades – five of them winners and one loser. The total profit that you would have raked in before work? About $925.
Now, the idea of supplementing your income and actually being able to retire is starting to look like a possibility. Even if you were to pump the brakes and simply target $350 a day for your morning and/or evening trading – you would rake in an extra $87K a year.
And that’s on a smaller account – say $5K to $10K. All with painless, in and out trades that don’t leave you hanging and sweating for hours.
Although the timeframes are shorter, you still have a ton of flexibility to shape the strategies and the entry conditions to match your trading style.
The formula is very simple:
- Establish Market Structure Using Supply and Demand: We’re not talking about hand-drawn support and resistance levels that are really just lines on your chart hoping to be profitable. We’re talking about proven zones that are based on the buy/sell auction data found within every candle.
- Stalk Confirmed Entries: Using the market structure, take your pick from an integrated series of long and short entries that are short in duration – with clear stops and realistic targets.
- Manage Your Stops: Use the market structure to advance your stops and log in profits, protecting yourself from interim fluctuations on those short-term charts.
The best part with all of this? This proven formula can be fully automated so that you are simply taking your pick of the entries you like the best – and following a step by step process for getting in and out of your trades.
Yes, that’s right automated. There are established systems designed to help morning and evening traders take advantage of the unique price action that exists during these periods before or after work!
Chapter 4:
Your Profit Pickaxe: A fire and forget system you can use to profit before or after work.
Believe it or not, there were 49rs that struck it rich during the California Gold Rush. For the most part, they were not the mom and pop prospectors who showed up with a pan at the stream hoping and praying for gold.
No, these were amateur prospectors who had a plan and the right tools.
They saw the agony and frustration that others faced and took decisive steps to ensure that they wouldn’t share the same fate. More than anything, they knew that the gold was there for the taking.
If they were smart, they would get theirs.
The same exact perspective is held by consistently profitable traders who have a full-time job.
They know that the morning and evening sessions are lined with veins of golden profits thanks to short-term trades.
They know that the price action that takes place before and after the cash session is different and needs to be traded differently.
They have avoided the indicators and strategies that are really designed for cash session trades and large accounts. Instead they use tools and set-ups that allow them to scoop quick, reliable profits.
And best of all? They’re doing this with SMALLER accounts.
Their ‘profit pickaxe’ of choice? The Morning/Evening Reaper!
This highly affordable system combines the right morning/evening tools with proven strategies that any trader can use.
For traders interested in bagging steady profits before or after work, this system helps you:
- Plot Real Time Supply and Demand: With the help of a Dynamic Auction Grid, you will never again have to second guess whether the market is poised for a breakout or reversal.
- Identify Entries Using Hybrid Strategies: Instead of guessing, or eyeballing an entry – you can have to-the-tick entries, stops and targets applied to your chart. And not just for one set-up. Rather you will have five hybrid strategies you can choose from.
- Manage Your Trades: This isn’t a software that you just plug-in. No, it’s a system that you can customize to fit your own trading preferences, strategy and risk tolerance.
And you aren’t left alone. There are full, step-by-step tutorials for each tool and strategy so that you are never left in the dark wondering how to best leverage the simple, yet powerful features the system has.
Unlike the hapless 49ers that made their way to California only to get wiped out… you can enjoy the millions part-time trading offers and strike morning/evening gold every day – before or after work.
Take action now. Systematize your trading. Start striking gold before or after work – every day without blinking an eye!
Your Next Best Steps:
Step 1:
Step 2: