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How I made $34,696.17 On Autopilot In April ($1,734/Day) Using Fully-Automated
Futures Algo-Bot Portfolios…

And How You Potentially Can Do It Too, In Less Than 10 Minutes Per Day!

"Yes, I Want In!"

Robot Lab Product Overview

Read on to discover how you can use this one-time-only offer to get lifetime access to Robot Lab for far less than the $15,000 a year everyone else will have to pay later!

Dear Trading Friend,

If you want the most certain way today to go from zero to full-time trading with fully automated day trading systems -- this is exactly what you've been looking for! 


The second you step into Robot Lab, you will enter a new reality of quickly creating consistently profitable fully automated day trading systems.

A reality powered by a proven arsenal of 30 fully automated algo-bots at your fingertips.

Each hardcoded with a -- ten year -- 2:1 to 10:1 risk-to-reward trading edge. 

We then turned into 7 proven, uncorrelated plug & trade algo-bot portfolios.  

That you can completely customize and backtest!

Want to see the trading edge theme for each portfolio and their 10-year back test results? (click the pics below)

You can expect these impressive kinds of results -- when you plug & trade any of the Plug & Trade Ready Portfolios:


Warchest Conservative Portfolio Results


Warchest Aggressive Portfolio Results

Cash Flow Aggressive Portfolio Results

Cash Flow Aggressive Portfolio Results

Mixed US Index Futures Portfolio Results

Mixed US Index Futures Portfolio Results

Diversified Futures Portfolio Results

Diversified Futures Portfolio Results

Mini Hedge Fund Portfolio Results

Mini Hedge Fund Portfolio Results

That's not all...

You can also create your own personal themed portfolios!

Building Portfolios Gif

Even if you have zero experience with algo-bots or the NinjaTrader platform.

You're only limited by your imagination...

In how you can mix-&-match the 30 uncorrelated algo-bots from different portfolios

Heck, you can even instantly plug & trade all 7 pre-made portfolios at once! 

Any way you want across multiple futures markets.

With micro and full-size contracts -- to fit your personal account size, risk tolerance and income and wealth goals.

No Matter What Size Account You Have Now!


No matter how small or big your account --- you now have endless ways to automatically earn any income you want!

You'll rest easy...

Knowing everything is designed to help you backtest and optimize everything. To achieve any kind of fully-automated trading income you want.

With unequalled certainty your fully automated trading systems will deliver real-world results nearly identical to your backtests.

Even better…

We'll take you under our wing to guide you as much, or as little, as you need every step of the way.

With a level of live weekly robot & portfolio backtesting + fully automated algo-bot creation and learning we've never made available.

Which means…

It’s Never Been Easier To Go From Zero To A Full-Time Income With Your Own Fully Automated Day Trading Systems!

Getting Started with Robot Lab is easy as...

Use our easy one-click install -- or let us remotely set everything up for you on your desktop machine!  

Here’s the game plan:

Place your order today and you'll get full and immediate access to the following:

30 Algo Portfolio Bots

30 Fully-Automated Algo-Portfolio Bots - ($150,000 value)  

Each algo-bot has a proven 10-yr trading edge with backwardation certainty.
With a unique 2:1 to 10:1 reward-to-risk ratio trading edge. And full control to step in and take over a trade anytime. For any Futures markets and micro or
full-size contracts you want.

7 Pre-Made Algo-Bot Portfolios

7 ‘Plug & Trade’ Ready Algo-Bot Portfolios - ($27,000 value) 

To get you up and running fast with fully-automated algo-bot portfolios we created ‘plug & trade’ ready portfolios. You can just pick the ones you like or mix and match, tweak to your liking, and start trading them.

Each ‘plug & trade’ ready portfolio has a
proven 10-yr trading edge right out of the box. You also can further backtest & optimize each portfolio to fit your unique situation.

The Automated Algo-Bot Portfolio Builder & Analyzer

The Automated Algo-Bot Portfolio Builder & Analyzer - ($10,000 value)  

There is no easy solution for retail traders on the market today that lets you backtest, optimize and analyze multiple fully-automated algo-bots as a portfolio and see all results in one central place. Which means, without this groundbreaking tool you are poised to spend weeks or even months of painful spreadsheet-stuffing and gambling on results.

Our elegant yet powerful solution is the Automated Algo-Bot Portfolio Builder & Analyzer. Allowing anyone to quickly & easily backtest and optimize --- any combination of bots you create in single or multiple portfolios. At one time and in a matter of minutes.

3 Steps to Generate Long-Term Outsized Gains With Algo-bot Portfolios

3 Steps To Generate Long-Term Outsized Gains With Algo-bot Portfolios - ($2,997 value)
Algo-Bot Portfolio trading is not complicated when you have the right step-by-step action & execution plan.

In our
3-step on-demand video course we will guide you on how you can generate long-term outsized gains with Algo-Bot portfolios.

Just follow the steps hundreds of our students have followed to become successful with Algo-Bot portfolios.

The Algo-Bot Portfolio Kick-Start Guide

The Algo-Bot Portfolio Kick-Start Guide - ($997 value)
The Algo-Bot Portfolio Kick-Start Guide is 
your FASTPASS to get up and running with your Algo-Bot portfolio trading in the fastest way possible. It covers everything from the first use of the software, portfolio analysis tactics, to live trading your first Algo-Bot portfolio.

We show you how we kick-started a custom tailored Algo-Bot portfolio for a $20,000 account to our personal needs and how we went live with it in no time.

Follow every step by copying our kick-start process, so you can kick-start your Algo-Bot portfolio journey.

Weekly Live Learning Jumpstart Lab

The Weekly LIVE Algo-Bot Portfolio Jumpstart Lab - ($999/yr value)
Your quick & easy way to
learn how to use Algo-Bot Portfolios LIVE together with us. No matter if you have used fully-automated systems before or you are brand new to automated trading.

Together with you we will examine single Algo-Bots and Plug & Trade ready Portfolios, show you how you can easily backtest and optimize any aspect of it to fit your personal preferences, and will introduce you to simple Algo-Portfolio management concepts anybody can use.

All LIVE classes will be recorded and the recordings are accessible at your convenience in the member area.

How to Make Your First $10,000 With Algo-Bots

Bonus #1: How To Make Your First $10,000 With Algo-Bots - ($997 value)

No matter how much capital you start with, in this video course, Christian will show you a step-by-step action plan on how to make your first $10,000 profits with algo-bots. FAST.

By following a simple step-by-step process 
hundreds of our students have used to make their first $10,000 with Algo-Bot Portfolios.

Bonus #2: How To Design & Analyze a Custom Algo-Bot Portfolios Video Course

Bonus #2: How To Design & Analyze A Custom Algo-Bot Portfolios Video Course - ($997 value)
Our 7 Plug & Trade ready portfolios you will get access to are ready to use, out of the box. But if you would like to create your custom portfolio that is a perfect fit for your goals, this video course will show you exactly how.

In this ‘How To Design & Analyze A Custom Algo-Bot Portfolios Video Course’ we build a custom portfolio from scratch and explain every detail how we do.

So you can start creating custom Algo-Bot portfolios that perfectly fit your unique goals and needs.

Bonus #3:
TAX Consulting Session With CPA Specialized in Investor & Trader Taxes

Bonus #3: TAX Consulting Session With CPA Specialized In Investor & Trader Taxes (Priceless)

One of our members nailed it by saying “The only bad thing that happened to me using Robot Lab… all the profits have resulted in me paying more taxes than I ever paid before in my life…” 

Even though this is a good problem to have, there are smart ways to reduce your tax burden from your algo-bot portfolio profits. Our favorite trader tax accountant has agreed to provide a one-on-one consultation session to any Robot Lab member that is looking for smart tax advice.

Concierge onbaroding & White Glove Setup

So What’s The Fee For Instant Access To Robot Lab + The 4 Fast Action Bonuses?

Others charge $5,000 for just ONE fully automated algo-bot trading system.

That may or may not even have a trading edge! Or work in Futures day trading. 

Or even let you backtest and optimize anything! 

Let alone…

Give you even a whiff of weekly live backtesting and super-optimization training support to go from zero to full-time income.

Which means:

You could easily expect to have to pay $150,000 for our 30 fully automated core algo-bots.

Building Portfolios Gif

No matter how you use our 30 proven algo-bots --- it's never been easier to create any fully automated income you want. With ZERO coding, ever! 


If you can’t see the life-changing value of putting these 30 uniquely powerful algo-bot and 7 pre-made portfolios to work for you...

To go from zero to any fully-automated trading income level you want — faster and safer than anything you’ve ever tried, to: 

… Quit your job quicker

… Retire earlier

… And put wealth creation for you and your family's financial security on auto-pilot 

Then this probably is not for you.

In that case, you’re not ready for this much power and freedom.

Where you can backtest and super-optimize fully-automated day trading algo-bot portfolios that effortlessly take advantage of multiple markets and methods — like we teach in Robot Lab.


Our LIVE weekly Robot Learning Labs show you how to backtest and build portfolios. As well as create NEW algo-bots... we code for you for free!

And I would ask you to pass on this opportunity, since we're only allowing 11 active traders to gain access to this for a fraction of the $15,000 others will have to pay later.

Because here's the stone-cold reality of Robot Lab.

It’s the backdoor way to day trading success only for the smartest of retail traders.

Who are noticing more and more…

That having a uniquely proven way to create, backtest and super-optimize their own fully automated day trading systems is now their only real protection. 

Against today’s ruthless swarms of high frequency trading bots and hedge fund algos. 

All hard-wired to bleed those retail traders dry — who still manually trade with a few indicators and price action patterns. 

To us, trying to make serious money day trading Futures the old way is as insane as using a toothpick to fight the Terminator.

Which is why we want to help as many of the little guys succeed in this new reality of fully-automated day trading…

As fast as possible. 

Instead of giving wealthy traders with huge accounts yet another overwhelming advantage like Robot Lab.

Whom I'm sure you'd agree...

Wouldn't even blink an eye at giving us $150,000 just for the 30 core uncorrelated fully-automated algo-bots. To 10x their investment in short order.

So rest assured…

You will not pay that today.

Nor will you even have to pay $15,000 like other retail traders will later… When we launch this to the public in a few weeks. 

And why…

We all agreed that we could let another 11 active traders who order today get lifetime access to everything I promised on this page for just $4,997.

And that’s not the only way we’re going to make this an easy ‘yes’ for you…

We're Willing To Take All The Risk, So You Can... 

Try It Right Now With 100%
Risk-Free Peace Of Mind!

Here's how it works:

Place your order today...

And use Robot Lab's 7 Pre-Made Fully Automated Algo-Bot Portfolios + ALL 30 Algo-Bots + The Automated Algo-Bot Portfolio Builder & Analyzer…

Join the Weekly Live Backtesting Lab & Weekly Live Robot Creation Lab & Weekly LIVE Jumpstart Classes as if you own them all…

With 100% Risk-Free Peace Of Mind!

90 Day Trade Performance Guarantee

And there is more... Because we know you can’t build your financial future on something you can’t fully control, we made a commitment we hope you really appreciate.

Source Code Guarantee

But I Must Warn You...

If you don't act on this now there's a strong chance you'll miss out. 

Because, to protect our money-making trading edge for active Robot Lab members and ourselves, we only open enrolment to new members in small batches.

We expect the limited amount of the Lifetime Robot Lab Memberships we're offering at this special price will go fairly quickly.

Currently, there are only 11 spots available.

The spots are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. As soon as they are filled, we will stop enrolment.


This special webinar deal will expire at midnight (EST) Friday, June 7th, 2024… in case we don’t fill the open spots first.

So here's what I recommend...

If you see the enormous value of this offer, and don't care to pay $15,000 per year later like everyone else will, jump on it now.

If you have any hesitation, please skip it. It means you're just not ready to go from zero to any full-time income you want with fully automated day trading systems.


  • 30 Fully-Automated Algo-Portfolio Bots

Each algo-bot has a proven 10-yr trading edge.
With a unique 2:1 to 10:1 reward-to-risk ratio trading edge. And full control to step in and take over a trade anytime. For any Futures markets and micro or full-size contracts you want.
(VALUE: $150,000)

  • 7 ‘Plug & Trade’ Ready Algo-Bot Portfolios:

Made with 30 uncorrelated bots you can plug & trade, or further backtest & optimize. Each algo-bot portfolio has a proven 10-yr trading edge.
(VALUE: $27,000)

  • The Automated Algo-Bot Portfolio Builder & Analyzer

NinjaTrader® by default offers no way for you to backtest and optimize multiple fully automated algo-bots. Which means months of painful spreadsheet-stuffing and gambling on results.

Our elegant yet powerful solution is the Portfolio Analyzer. Allowing anyone to quickly & easily backtest and optimize — any combination of bots you create in single or multiple portfolios. At one time!
(VALUE: $10,000)

  • 3 Steps To Generate Long-Term Outsized Gains With Algo-Bot Portfolios

Navigating Algo-Bot Portfolio trading becomes straightforward with the appropriate step-by-step action and execution plan.
In our 3-step on-demand video course, we'll walk you through the process of achieving long-term outsized gains with Algo-Bot portfolios.
Simply follow the same steps that hundreds of our students have taken to achieve success with Algo-Bot portfolios.
(VALUE: $2,997)

  • The Algo-Bot Portfolio Kick-Start Guide

Your Algo-Bot portfolio kick-start guide is your express ticket to swiftly launching your Algo-Bot portfolio trading journey, covering everything from software setup to live trading. Learn how to tailor a portfolio to your needs and go live in minutes with our proven process. Simply follow our steps to kick-start your Algo-Bot portfolio journey.
(VALUE: $997)

  • The Weekly LIVE Algo-Bot Portfolio Jumpstart Lab

Your quick & easy way to learn how to use Algo-Bot Portfolios LIVE together with us. No matter if you have used fully-automated systems before or you are brand new to automated trading.

Together with you we will examine single Algo-Bots and Plug & Trade ready Portfolios, show you how you can easily backtest and optimize any aspect of it to fit your personal preferences and will introduce you to simple Algo-Portfolio management concepts anybody can use.

All LIVE classes will be recorded and the recordings are accessible at your convenience in the member area.
(VALUE: $999/yr)

  • GIFT #1:  How To Make Your First $10,000 With Algo-Bots

No matter how much capital you start with, in this video course, Christian will show you a step-by-step action plan on how to make your first $10,000 profits with algo-bots. FAST.
(VALUE: $997)

  • GIFT #2:  How To Design & Analyze A Custom Algo-Bot Portfolios Video Course

Our 7 Plug & Trade ready portfolios you will get access to are ready to use, out of the box. But if you would like to create your custom portfolio that is a perfect fit for your goals, this video course will show you exactly how. In this ‘How To Design & Analyze A Custom Algo-Bot Portfolios Video Course’ we build a custom portfolio from scratch and explain every detail how we do.
So you can start creating custom Algo-Bot portfolios that perfectly fit your unique goals and needs.
(VALUE: $997)

  • GIFT #3:  TAX Consulting Session With CPA Specialized In Investor & Trader Taxes

One of our members nailed it by saying “The only bad thing that happened to me using Robot Lab… all the profits have resulted in me paying more taxes than I ever paid before in my life…” Even though this is a good problem to have, there are smart ways to reduce your tax burden from your algo-bot portfolio profits. Our favorite trader tax accountant has agreed to provide a one-on-one consultation session to any Robot Lab member that is looking for smart tax advice.
(VALUE: Priceless)

  • Concierge Onboarding & White Glove Setup

The moment you submit your order you will be surrounded by a dedicated team, led by your very own personal concierge, ready and waiting to ensure your ongoing success. Within an hour of your purchase (during business hours) your concierge will contact you to craft a customized onboarding and white glove setup experience that meets your ambitious goals from day one. No matter if you are new to futures algo-bot trading or a seasoned veteran — we will get you exactly what you need - before you need it.
Even once you're underway, your concierge will be at your side helping you evaluate results and providing optimization guidance. At no point will you ever be alone in your Robot Lab quest.
(VALUE: Priceless)

Total Robot Lab Value:


Right Now ONLY $4,997

(For the next 11 active traders who order)

See what our Robot Lab Members say....

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I'm excited for you! 

And I'm looking forward to helping you succeed in the Lab :)

All the best,


The #1 seller of NinjaTrader® indicators on the planet.

P.S. These 7 proven, pre-made, plug & profit portfolios made up of 30 uncorrelated algo-bots you can customize, and backtest & optimize, can help you... go from zero to any full-time income you want.

And the Live Backtesting & Robot Creation Labs give you fresh new ways to ensure your real-world results stay nearly identical to each of your fully automated systems' backtest...  

No matter how many pre-made or customized algo-bot portfolios in different Futures markets and contracts you're trading.

When you think about Robot Lab like that, you simply have to respond to this offer right away.

Because if anyone is going to have a quicker, easier shot to use fully automated day trading systems to quit their job, retire early, and even put your wealth creation on auto pilot... 

Shouldn't it be you?

I sincerely hope you think so, and join us today.

That's why I invite you to do THIS... right this very instant.

  • Is there a guarantee?

Yep. We’re happy to take all the risk so you can try it with 100% peace of mind with our 90-Day Trade Performance Guarantee. 
Unlock the full potential of Robot Lab worry-free with our 90-Day Trade Performance Guarantee.
Here's how it works: Dive into simulation mode and explore our premade portfolios. If, within 90 days of trading with our portfolios, you haven't recouped your initial $5k investment, we'll buy back Robot Lab from you.
Getting a refund is simple with our streamlined process. Just provide your full 90-day Trade Performance Report with your chosen premade portfolio.
Rest assured, we're committed to providing you with the tools you need to maximize your trading potential and ensure a seamless automated trading experience.Please note: This guarantee is valid for 6 months after purchase.

  • Can I just use the fully automated bots without going to the Labs?

Absolutely! You'll own them for life and get instant access to all 30 fully automated algo-bots, along with step-by-step quick-start videos to get up and trading fast. If you were lucky enough to get the Bonus NinjaTrader® Portfolio Analyzer we built, we do recommend you check out the videos for that in the private members area. For even more fascinating ways to slash risk and boost profits with the fully automated trading systems. 

  • What markets do the algo-bots work best in?

All 30 of our fully automated algo-bots work in all Futures markets. However, we most like to use them on:  ES, MES, NQ, MNQ, YM, MYM, RTY, M2K, CL, GC, MGC, 6E, NG.

  • Can I buy just one robot?

No. As Christian showed in the webinar, trying to use just one fully automated algo-bot to make serious money day trading Futures is the guaranteed way to blow out your account. That's why we give you 30 proven, fully automated algo-bots. Each with a smart 2:1 to 10:1 trading edge you can turn any combination of algo-bots, Futures markets, micro and full size contracts into 'bot-folios'. Fully automated trading systems you can backtest and optimize to fit your trading account's size and goals much more safely than relying on one.

  • What can I backtest and optimize with the algo-bots?

Everything! Including an entire porfolio of all 30 algo-bots if you want. No one else gives you this power. Because NinjaTrader® does not offer a way for you to backtest and optimize more than one algo-bot at a time, that's why we built our own NinjaTrader® Portfolio Analyzer. So you can rest easy. Knowing whether you have 2 or all 30 bots in an algo-bot portfolio, you can trust your real-world results will be nearly identical to your backtests. 

  • What if I already own a fully automated algo-bot for NinjaTrader®?

First, we'll help make sure it really has a real trading edge. As Christian showed, many don't. If it does, we'll show you which of our other 30 fully automated algo-bots would pair well with yours based on your account size and goals. If you want help with this, please be sure to discuss during your White Glove Installation session. 

  • Can I use the algo-bots in Robot Lab to capitalize stocks and Forex?

No. All the algo-bots work only for Futures day trading. However, they’re so easy to use we’ve had several stock and Forex traders start trading Futures. Without any experience.

  • Is it possible to have the robots trade a long and short position at the same time?

Yes it is. Unlike a hedge (which is illegal), NinjaTrader® views simultaneous long and short trades in a market on a portfolio level as one position. Another workaround we’ll teach you is to use a different uncorrelated algo-bot with an offsetting edge. Either way, your broker will be thrilled you’re smartly limiting your risk.

  • Do I need to know how to code to use the algo-bots or attend the labs?

No. Never. Everything is plug-and-trade easy. Even backtesting and optimizing your algo-bots portfolios can be done in just a handful of clicks, and we’ll teach you to do it like a pro. Same with the Robot Creation class with Christian. Each week he’ll take you through different steps of coming up with, developing and testing new algo-bots. That we’ll backest to ensure it has the 10-yr long-term edge we need. If it does, we will do all the coding for the algo-bot. And then give it to you and everyone else who attended the lab — for FREE.

  • Do I need to have a special computer?

As long as you have a dedicated desktop trading machine to NinjaTrader® 8, you should be good to go. We actually don't use a desktop trading computer. We use, like Christian showed in the webinar, a VPS (virtual private server). A remote virtual machine service that runs NinjaTrader® 8 for about $100/month. Which ensures we always have any level of processing power we want. Plus the very fastest connection to the exchanges. If you want further guidance on this, be sure to ask during your WHITE GLOVE install call. So you can rest easy you have the right setup for you.

  • Are there any recurring (or hidden) costs for Robot Lab?

None. Ever. Once you buy Robot Lab you're getting a LIFETIME license for all 30 core algo-bots + the 7 specialty bots. As well as the NinjaTrader® Portfolio Analyzer. Which is another reason why we recommend you take advantage of today's one-time-offer of only $4,997. Before you have to pay $15,000 like everyone else later.

  • Is there a payment plan?

If you want to split payment of your Robot Lab deal across 2 or more credit cards, please call or email our friendly customer support team and we’ll take care of you ASAP. 

Ninjacators LLC | 228 Park Ave S | New York | NY 10003 | USA
© Ninjacators LLC. All Rights Reserved

RISK DISCLAIMER There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Ninjacators LLC and all individuals affiliated with this site assume no responsibility for your trading and investment results. All the material contained herein is believed to be correct, however, Ninjacators LLC will not be held responsible for accidental oversights, typos, or incorrect information from sources that generate fundamental and technical information. Futures and futures options trading carries significant risk. Options trading carries significant risk. Foreign exchange trading carries significant risk. Stock trading carries significant risk. Trading securities, security options, futures and/or futures options is not for every investor, and only risk capital should be used. You are responsible for understanding the risk involved with trading futures, options, stocks, and foreign exchange products. Prior to trading any securities products, please read the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options and the Risk Disclosure for Futures and Options.

The indicators, strategies, setups, methods, and all other products and features on this website are for educational purposes only and should not be construed as advice. Information for futures trading observations are obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but we do not warrant its completeness or accuracy, or warrant any results from the use of the information. Your use of the trading observations is entirely at your own risk and it is your sole responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness, and usefulness of the information. 

You must assess the risk of any trade with your broker and make your own independent decisions regarding any securities mentioned herein. Affiliates of Ninjacators LLC may have a position or affect transactions in the securities described herein (or options thereon) and/or otherwise employ trading strategies that may be consistent or inconsistent with the provided strategies. All our partners or affiliated companies are in no way associated with the proprietary information provided by the Ninjacators LLC method or software. 

All returns are based on buy side analysis and do not include commission costs. All projections are based on current returns. The projections do not account for any possible drawdown effects on performance and performance projections. Actual returns and projected returns may fluctuate over the course of the service. 

Any person who chooses to use this information as a basis for their trading assumes all the liability and risk for themselves and hereby and absolutely agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Ninjacators, LLC, its principals, agents, and employees. 

Testimonials Disclaimer: Testimonials appearing on and or all affiliated websites may not be representative of the experience of other clients, users, customers and is not a guarantee of future performance or success. 

NinjaTrader® is a registered trademark of NinjaTrader® Group, LLC. No NinjaTrader® company has any affiliation with the owner, developer, or provider of the products or services described herein, or any interest, ownership or otherwise, in any such product or service, or endorses, recommends, or approves any such product or service. 

#1 source for NinjaTrader® indicators based on the largest variety and volume of sales. Americas #1 NinjaTrader® Innovator is based on the largest variety of indicators, add-ons, and strategies to individualize the NinjaTrader® platform. 

CFTC Rules 4.41 - Hypothetical or Simulated performance results have certain limitations; unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under- or over-compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses like those shown. 

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