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Attention Futures Edge Members: The Ultimate Challenge Awaits!
Join the Futures Edge 30-Day Prop Payout Challenge – Sponsored by TradeFundrr
Take your trading journey to the next level. Enroll in this exclusive challenge and unlock your potential to earn real-money weekly payouts on up to 5 TradeFundrr accounts—all without risking your own capital. Plus, win amazing cash prizes and exclusive rewards!
Why Join the Futures Edge 30-Day Prop
Payout Challenge?
Imagine doubling your opportunities to earn money while doing what you love—trading. The Futures Edge 30-Day Prop Payout Challenge, sponsored by TradeFundrr, is your golden ticket to unlock real-money payouts without risking your own trading capital. But that’s not all. In this challenge, you’re not just earning from your trades—you’re competing for exciting cash prizes and exclusive rewards.
Here’s how it works:
Earn While You Trade—Without Risking Your Own Money
With TradeFundrr’s Instant Funded Accounts, you’re trading with other people’s money (OPM). That means you get to keep the majority of your profits while they cover the trading capital. No more worrying about putting your own savings on the line. Whether you’re new to funded trading or a seasoned pro, this challenge lets you maximize your earning potential while minimizing your risk.
Automatically Compete for Cash and Exclusive Prizes
In addition to the payouts you’ll receive from your trading success, you’ll also have the chance to earn generous cash prizes and unique rewards. Think of it as a bonus layer of opportunity: every trade you make not only moves you closer to your own profit goals but also brings you closer to winning some of the most lucrative prizes in the industry.
Three Prize Categories You’re Automatically
Enrolled in When You Participate
Build Momentum with Unlimited Chances
In trading, setbacks are part of the process. That’s why this challenge is designed to give you unlimited opportunities to stay in the game. If you violate the risk parameters on one account, simply sign up for another account and continue trading. As long as you have at least one active account by February 28, 2025, you remain eligible for all prizes.
Maximize Your Impact with Multiple Accounts
Want to supercharge your potential? Trade up to 5 accounts simultaneously. More accounts mean more buying power, which increases your ability to earn payouts and compete for top prizes.
Accelerate Your Trading Career
This challenge isn’t just about winning prizes—it’s about growth. Prop trading with TradeFundrr gives you a fast track to earning consistent payouts and scaling your trading capital. Combine that with the supportive Futures Edge community and the powerful tools at your disposal, and you’re setting yourself up for long-term success.
Frequently Asked Questions
> When will the challenge start?
The challenge will start Thursday 01/23/25.
> When is the enrollment deadline?
There is no deadline, you could enroll any time before 02/28/25. HOWEVER, the sooner you enroll and start trading the bigger your chances will be to get one of the cash prices.
> When will this challenge end?
The challenge will end at 5 PM EST on Friday 02/28/2025. The winners for all categories will be announced on Monday 03/03/2025.
> Who is eligible to enroll in the challenge?
This challenge is exclusive for Futures Edge members.
> How many accounts can one trader use?
Every trader can trade up to 5 accounts in parallel. The more accounts you have, the bigger your buying power is, the bigger your chances of the “Biggest Payout Prices” get.
> What if I already have a TradeFundrr Account?
No current TradeFundrr Instant Funded Account is eligible to participate in this challenge. If you like to participate, please sign up for the “special challenge” account using the link on this page.
> What if I 'burn' an account in the challenge?
No worries, no super star trader always gets everything right. In fact, TradeFundrr’s most successful earners today all went through multiple accounts before they got to the point they are today.
That said, if you violate the risk on one account, you can always signup for another account and you are still eligible for the challenge prices, as long as you have at least one active account on 02.28.25.
> What happens to my TradeFundrr Instant Funding Account after the 30-Day Prop Payout Challange is over?
You can keep trading and earning from your TradeFundrr account for as long as you like. There is no end date, but you can cancel the account at any time.
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CFTC Rules 4.41 - Hypothetical or Simulated performance results have certain limitations; unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under- or over-compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses like those shown.