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New! From America's #1 NinjaTrader Innovator...
“The 'Eternal' Money Making Trading Edge”
With all the irrefutable proof and settings you need to
dial in outsized profits on your favorite Futures
charts & time frames — Exactly how you want!
Take a look at this code…

It might not seem like much…
But that tiny bit of code is the heartbeat of a master “market imbalance” trading edge…
That’s about to make a lot of ordinary Futures day traders rich.
And even if you only trade it the way I'm going to show you here…
You could haul in the kinds of miraculous profits that only come around to retail traders with $100,000 accounts.
I'm talking about the chance to have an eternal money-making trading edge...
That since Jan 1, 2020 would have allowed you to turn 1 S&P 500/ES contract per trade into…
Just 3 S&P 500/ES contracts per trade into an effortless…
And 5 S&P 500/ES contracts per trade into an impressive...
And listen to this…
If you had traded 10 contracts using just this eternal money-making trading edge’s default settings, since June 1 of last year…
You’d have a very real $532,875 sitting in your account right now...
Here's the kicker:
That tsunami of profits all came from trading only ONE market -- and on ONE time frame.
With JUST the bare bones default settings, entry, stop and target signals turned on.
Want to multiply your profits... and trade multiple time frames in one, or even multiple markets?
No problem!
Because as you're about to see...
You'll now have the potential for making literally hundreds of times your money for years to come.
That Sure Beats The Old Way of
Trying to Get Rich Day Trading
In fact…
I don’t know of any other way to day trade futures that could grow your account, income, and wealth, so fast.
For example...
Many NinjaTrader® developers and trading gooroos like to sell you their special indicators, strategies and trading algos...
They say have made them millions.
Maybe they even have.
And maybe even one day, with enough blood, sweat, and losses you’ll figure out how to become a millionaire with them too.
But this ‘Eternal’ big money-making trading edge actually gives you all the irrefutable proof and winning settings you need to win TODAY!
Allowing you to...
And then forward optimize any of the actual backtested trades in market replay...
So you can dial in outsized profits on your favorite Futures charts and time frames…
Exactly how you want!
How can I be so sure it will deliver the same huge profits for you on a silver platter, like it's done since June 1, 2020?
Because it flat out humiliates what most others call a ‘trading edge’.
In fact…
It’s Quite Possibly The First Eternal
Money-Making Trading Edge For Any
Futures Market & Time Frame Ever!
Here's why...
In technical terms:
The master algorithm behind the eternal money-making trading edge continually scans and calculates fractal imbalances in supply and demand market structures — across every futures market's weekly, daily, 1-min, tick and range charts — to determine where the strongest intra-day opportunities will occur next.
Here's a visual, in plain English:
It automatically puts you in a position to cash in on explosive fractal imbalance rallies, on any time frame, before anyone else...
Now you can enter the most explosive fractal imbalance market moves before anyone else on ANY time frame... Weekly, daily, 60-min, 30-min,
15-min, 5-min, 1-min, tick, range, you name it!
That’s why even if you trade just ONE market and time frame, or multiple time frames across multiple markets…
You’ll have endless opportunities to cash in -- exactly how you want. Long before the dumb money even gets a signal on their lagging indicators.
So your entries, stops and targets are manually or auto plotted for you to cash in.
Just like it would have done for you, on this S&P 500/ES 5-min chart, as it would have made you...
And here in the NASDAQ/NQ on a 1-min chart it would have given you a virtual yellow brick road of stops, targets and entries to make...
Now I know what you're probably thinking...
We're just showing you all the winners, right?
We happily take every loser (without question, no matter how big), like you'll see below...
Because we know...
Our 100% hands-off approach always churns out consistently big winners to easily cover any losses. Which means more moolah, without fussing over every tick.
But don't worry...
You can trade ANY or ALL parts of your trades manually if you want...
And in a minute -- I'll even show you how, if you're an active, hands-on trader, you can easily flip any potential loser you don't like into a winner, fast.
First notice, as you keep reading, how easy it is for you to trust this edge...
How even in Crude Oil, you quickly and clearly would have gained all the market and trading insight you need to make $1,380 after losses, trading just 1 contract...
It'll put you in position to cash in on any market's range and tick charts too! Either by itself or with any of your other favorite time frames.
For even more cash grabs on multiple time frames...
Like here on this S&P 500/ES 10-range chart, you would have netted $2,750 after losses, trading just ONE contract.
Here's something else that will blow your mind...
It's the only trading edge you'll ever use that doesn't care one bit -- if you've ever struggled with:
… Inconsistent trading results
… Losing money with chronic stop-outs
... Second-guessing entries and exits
... Giving winners back in 1-2 silly trades
… Not earning enough income
Because -- this is not a timing edge.
It's an intra-day market structure edge.
That's been waiting to get mined ever since the first retail trader ever got access to Level 2 trades, and the D.O.M.
But until now, there was no reliable technology to harness it for day trading. Certainly not across all the intra-day markets and time frames you need to succeed now.
And you definitely wouldn't have been able to backtest and optimize it to fit your unique trading style in a couple of clicks.
Practically forcing your favorite markets to deposit these steady payouts into your account. Exactly how you want.
Here's where it gets really crazy...
You Can Trade It 100% Manually, or Mix
In As Much or As Little Auto Trade
Execution Help As You Want
It doesn't matter if...
- You just want to use the entry signals, and then place your stops and targets next to ours, or somewhere you're more comfortable
- Or if... you want to use auto entries and step in, if you see the market turning against the auto targets and stops
- Or even if you want to do a mix of both, along with your favorite indicators...
Like laying over Bollinger Bands, SMAs, volume profiles or even your favorite Fibonacci indicators.
As you watch each tick of your trades unfold... in ONE market (like the S&P 500/ES) or if you want to run multiple trades on MULTIPLE TIME FRAMES.
You’ll always have 100% peace of mind you're in control of every part of your trades.
And get this, you can...
Even Flip Potential Losers Into
Happy Windfalls, With Just a
Few Quick Clicks
Just like you could have in 3 different spots anytime you didn't like the direction during this potential loser...
And how as soon as you're happy with the profits, you can exit early...
Like you could have here, using any other indicators you want to use…
More important than that...
You'll Probably Even BEAT Our Results!
Now, I don’t know your unique skill level and situation.
But here's what I DO know…
All our customers tend to be smarter than the normal retail day trader bear.
That’s why I have no doubt...
If you want to more actively manage and manually trade any or all parts of this trading edge...
You could easily add another $7,993 in net profits to that $53,287... if you want to manually trade 1 S&P 500/ES contract...
And at LEAST...
Another $23,979 in net profits to the $159,862 trading 3 S&P 500/ES contracts...
And I'd also bet it'd feel like child's play for you to...
Add an extra $39,965 in net profits to the $266,437 you would have made with 5 contracts...
It also wouldn’t even surprise me in the least to see a lot of our active, hands-on manual traders with larger accounts...
Pick up another $79,931 in net profits right alongside the $532,875 you would have made trading 10 contracts...
Incredible, right?
That, my friend... is what makes this the backdoor to day trading success and wealth that can now swing open for you too...
But You Do Need to Act Fast... If You
Want to Protect Yourself On Your
Favorite Market's Time Frames
Look, I wish I could say this is not urgent.
And that time is not of the essence.
But as you've witnessed...
The market imbalance miracle inside this Eternal money-making trading edge...
Allows anyone to now see where an explosive multi-time frame market imbalance will rise in any market... when it will accelerate... when it will weaken... when it will fall... and where and when it will rise again.
Which means...
Even lazy traders will get richer quicker off of your losses with each passing day...
If you trade without this on your favorite markets and time frames.
As I told you earlier, the idea of sharing this technology with others was once out of the question.
But as America's #1 NinjaTrader® innovator, we knew it'd be a cardinal sin if we kept it to ourselves.
So now, we're going to use this Eternal Money-Making trading edge to help profit-minded traders experience the same level of success it gives us.
I'd like you to be one of them.
Here's the deal:
Everything You Need to Succeed Is Inside “The Eternal Fractal Trading Edge”
The Eternal Fractal Trading Edge is our way of bringing you, and other profit-minded traders, into the new reality of successful Futures day trading.
A reality where you have all the irrefutable proof and settings you need to
dial in outsized profits on your favorite Futures charts & time frames...
Exactly how you want.
And where you can realistically have $53,287 to $266,437 sitting in your account by this time next year... from trading just 1-5 contracts.
Maybe even grow your account so fast you're looking at a $532,875 account balance from trading 10 contracts.
We both know I can't promise you'll win every trade along the way. Nobody, and no trading edge, can.
But this gives you something every successful trader prizes more.
Your own backtested and optimized PROOF. With the winning settings you need for any market and time frames you ever want to trade.
Backed with a level of live trading guidance we've never made available at today's special price...
Here's The Game Plan:
Place your order today and you'll get instant access to...
The 3 "Proof Suites" that unlock the Eternal Money-Making power of the Fractal Imbalance Trading Edge...
For day trading any combination of multiple time frames in one or more Futures markets, exactly how you want!
Which Includes:
The Eternal Fractal Edge Trade Signal Suite:
Your quickest fix for finally having the trading edge you've always wanted, but don't have the time, patience, money, or years to build.
Complete with 100% manual or auto plotted entry signals, stops, and targets, inside dynamic 'money zones'.
The Eternal Edge Backtester & Optimizer Suite:
The effortless way to both backtest and optimize your edge to fit your unique trading style.
With over 50 trading parameters you can get winning settings for directly loaded to any chart and time frame. Unimaginably effective, and easy to use!
The Eternal Edge Auto Trade Execution Suite:
The closet thing you can get to a fully automated system, without spending a fortune.
Allows you to auto-enter, place stops, targets, and exit all or parts of your trades --- and still take over and manually trade at any time.
Unheard-of, Free upgrades for life!
We’ve been blowing traders' minds with real-world day trading innovations like this for over 15 years…
But frankly...
The Eternal Fractal Trading Edge is our best idea yet!
And there’s no way we’re going to leave anything to chance...
On you not being able to win exactly how you want with it.
That’s why when you complete your order today, we’re also including...
YOURS FREE — 3 LIVE Eternal Edge Backtesting & Optimization Sessions
For Quicker, Faster Results
Sure, you can follow the quick start videos we have waiting for you in the members area...
And start backtesting and optimizing anything you want!
But what if you’re new to backtesting and optimizing, or have very little experience?
Wouldn’t you want to get your burning questions about your favorite markets and time frames answered by a LIVE human?
So you can get the exact winning settings you need for your unique trading style, even faster?
We thought you might.
That’s why we’re including 3 LIVE weekly backtesting & optimization training sessions --- to give you all our best secrets and shortcuts, like…
ALSO YOURS FREE --- 90 Days of
Unlimited Eternal Edge Trade Reviews
These personal trade review sessions are NOT open to the public.
They're NOT for sale anywhere.
Nor do you even have to speak directly with us!
Here's how it all works...
1. Install our trade tracker tool from the members area (takes about 90 seconds).
2. Send us the trades you want reviewed, and the feedback you're looking for with your misbehaving trades.
3. We'll send you a screencast with our best ideas on how to get you back on track fast.
With email follow-up, or even a quick chat on Skype if you need further guidance. Until you're satisfied.
That's why students often tell us...
The expert feedback from just one trade review often makes them 5... even 10 times... their investment in the program we offered it with.
You have every reason to expect it can do the same for you too.
That's not all...
ANOTHER GIFT — 12 Months of Our Private
Eternal Edge Settings Protection Service
With this included premium service, you'll gain the ultimate peace of mind...
That there are no significant market threats, condition shifts, institutional shenanigans, or new High Frequency Trading algos....
Trying to wreak havoc on your Eternal Fractal Trading Edge baseline signals and settings.
Every month...
We run EVERY single Futures market and time frame through advanced rigorous backtest and optimization protocols...
To ensure our baseline edge and settings are protected.
And more important...
Remain finely calibrated to the current market conditions and structures --- to continue pulling cash out of your markets and time frames as it has, or even better.
What's all this mean for you?
Every month you'll get a dossier on these results. With clear step-by-step guidance on any changes we recommend.
Many months there will be nothing for you to do, except continue raking in the steady profits from your trading edge.
But for the months we notice a significant change...
You'll never feel more thrilled you have us watching your back, and alerting you to urgent action.
So What's The Fee For This Eternal
Money-Making Trading Edge?
At $5,000 I believe this would be a friggin' bargain.
And if you don't see that after now knowing you can backtest and prove for yourself --- how it would have already made you since Jan 1 of this year...
... $53,287 trading one contract
... $159,862 trading three
... And $266,437 trading five contracts...
Then this is probably not for you.
In that case, you're not ready for this trading edge and the methods we'll teach you to win with it exactly how you want.
And I would ask you to pass on this opportunity, since we're only allowing 300 people to get it for a fraction of that today.
This is for savvy retail traders who recognize...
This is the quick-fix custom-fit trading edge you've always wanted to get richer quicker on multiple time frames and markets --- but never had the time, patience or money to build yourself.
As I told you earlier, the idea of sharing this technology with others was out of the question.
But as America's #1 NinjaTrader® innovator, we knew it'd be a cardinal sin if we kept it to ourselves.
Yet, $3,000... or even a reasonable $1,500 could be a stretch for many of you
with today's uncertain economy...
That's why...
We all agreed, that we could let the first three hundred people who order get everything I promised today for just $297.
And that's not the only way we're going to make this an easy 'yes' for you...
We're Willing To Take All The Risk, So You Can...
Try It Right Now With 100% Risk-Free
Peace Of Mind!
Here's how it works:
Place your order today and use The Eternal Fractal Trading Edge™ + The 3 Bonuses as if you own them all...
Then, if for any reason, or for no reason at all, this trading edge doesn't prove to you that it's worthy to be on your charts over 30 days...
Just send an email to our friendly customer service ninjas.
And we'll replace it with something you do love. No questions asked. No hassles or forms to fill out. No problems at all.
But I Must Warn You...
If you don't act on this now there's a strong chance you'll miss out.
I believe all 300 of the copies we're offering at this special price will be gone fairly quickly.
So here's what I recommend...
If you see the enormous value of this offer, and don't care to pay $1,497 later like everyone else, jump on it now.
If you have any hesitation, please skip it. It means you're just not ready for this much power and customization at your fingertips.
Your quickest fix for finally having the trading edge you've always wanted, but don't have the time, patience, money or years to build. Complete with 100% manual or auto plotted entry signals, stops, and targets, inside the dynamic real-time 'money zones'.
(VALUE: $1,497.00)
The effortless way to both backtest and optimize your edge to fit your unique trading style. With over 50 trading parameters you can get winning settings for directly loaded to any chart and time frame. Unimaginably effective, and easy to use! (VALUE: $549.00)
The closet thing you can get to a fully automated system, without spending a fortune. Allows you to auto-enter, place stops, targets and exits, for all or parts of your trades --- and still manually manage ANY, or EVERY part of your trade at any time. (VALUE: $1,999.00)
Are you new to backtesting & optimizing or have only a little experience? Are you an experienced backtester, and want help getting even quicker, faster results dialing in your settings on your favorite time frames? Then you'll love the secrets we'll share in these powerful sessions. Can't make one? No problem! Every session will be recorded so you can watch on your schedule. (VALUE: $499.00)
These personal trade review sessions are NOT open to the public. They’re NOT for sale anywhere. Nor do you even have to speak directly with us to benefit from them! Just install our trade tracker. Send us the trade you want reviewed. And we’ll send you a screencast of our best ideas on how to get you back on track fast. With email follow-up, or even a quick chat on Skype if you need further guidance. Until you’re satisfied. Just invaluable! (VALUE: $1,497.00)
Once a month we backtest and optimize EVERY single Futures market and time frame. To ensure our baseline edge and settings are protected from market shifts, institutional shenanigans, and new stop hunting HFT algos. IF there are any changes we recommend, you’ll get a dossier with clear step-by-step guidance on how to protect and optimize your settings too. You’ll seldom need to do anything, but when you do, you’ll never feel more thrilled you have us watching your trading edges back. So you can dial in even more super-size profits on your favorite markets and time frames. (VALUE: $899.47/yr)
Total Value:
Right Now ONLY $497.00
(For the first 300 traders who order)
I'm excited for you! And I'm looking forward to your success.
All the best,
Kyle Kinne
The #1 seller of NinjaTrader® indicators on the planet.
P.S. The power of this trading edge is undisputable... the endless ways to trade multiple time frames with it in one or several markets is undeniable... and the once unimaginable way anyone can now make $50K-$250K trading just 1-5 contracts is now a reality.
Allowing anyone to now see where an explosive multi-time frame market imbalance will rise in any market and time frame... when it will accelerate... when it will weaken... when it will fall... and where and when it will rise again.
Which means even lazy traders will be getting richer quicker off the losses of everyone without it --- in your favorite markets and time frames...
When you think about it like that, you simply have to respond to this offer right away.
Because if anyone is going to get richer quicker on your favorite markets and time frames...
Shouldn't it be you?
I sincerely hope you think so, and join us today.
That's why I invite you to do THIS... right this very instant.
Ninjacators LLC | 228 Park Ave S | New York | NY 10003 | USA
© Ninjacators LLC. All Rights Reserved
RISK DISCLAIMER There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Ninjacators LLC and all individuals affiliated with this site assume no responsibility for your trading and investment results. All the material contained herein is believed to be correct, however, Ninjacators LLC will not be held responsible for accidental oversights, typos, or incorrect information from sources that generate fundamental and technical information. Futures and futures options trading carries significant risk. Options trading carries significant risk. Foreign exchange trading carries significant risk. Stock trading carries significant risk. Trading securities, security options, futures and/or futures options is not for every investor, and only risk capital should be used. You are responsible for understanding the risk involved with trading futures, options, stocks, and foreign exchange products. Prior to trading any securities products, please read the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options and the Risk Disclosure for Futures and Options.
The indicators, strategies, setups, methods, and all other products and features on this website are for educational purposes only and should not be construed as advice. Information for futures trading observations are obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but we do not warrant its completeness or accuracy, or warrant any results from the use of the information. Your use of the trading observations is entirely at your own risk and it is your sole responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness, and usefulness of the information.
You must assess the risk of any trade with your broker and make your own independent decisions regarding any securities mentioned herein. Affiliates of Ninjacators LLC may have a position or affect transactions in the securities described herein (or options thereon) and/or otherwise employ trading strategies that may be consistent or inconsistent with the provided strategies. All our partners or affiliated companies are in no way associated with the proprietary information provided by the Ninjacators LLC method or software.
All returns are based on buy side analysis and do not include commission costs. All projections are based on current returns. The projections do not account for any possible draw down effects on performance and performance projections. Actual returns and projected returns may fluctuate over the course of the service.
Any person who chooses to use this information as a basis for their trading assumes all the liability and risk for themselves and hereby and absolutely agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Ninjacators, LLC, its principals, agents, and employees.
Testimonials Disclaimer: Testimonials appearing on Ninjacators.com and or all affiliated websites may not be representative of the experience of other clients, users, customers and is not a guarantee of future performance or success.
NinjaTrader® is a registered trademark of NinjaTrader® Group, LLC. No NinjaTrader® company has any affiliation with the owner, developer, or provider of the products or services described herein, or any interest, ownership or otherwise, in any such product or service, or endorses, recommends, or approves any such product or service.
#1 source for NinjaTrader® indicators based on the largest variety and volume of sales. Americas #1 NinjaTrader® Innovator is based on the largest variety of indicators, add-ons, and strategies to individualize the NinjaTrader® platform.
CFTC Rules 4.41 - Hypothetical or Simulated performance results have certain limitations; unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under- or over-compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses like those shown.
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