What Is The Futures Industry Association (FIA)?
The Futures Industry Association (FIA) is a leading organization in the futures and derivatives industry. Established in 1955, it represents the interests of a diverse group of companies and individuals who participate in the global derivatives markets. Here, we take a closer look at the FIA, its history, mission, and the role it plays in the industry.
History Of The Futures Industry Association
The FIA was founded in 1955 as the “Futures Industry Institute” by a group of leading commodity exchanges in the United States. Its purpose was to provide education and training to individuals and organizations involved in the futures industry. In the years that followed, the FIA evolved to become a leading voice in the industry, representing the interests of its members in Washington and around the world.
Mission Of The Futures Industry Association
The mission of the FIA is to promote and enhance the integrity and competitiveness of the global derivatives markets. This is achieved by advocating for sound regulation, providing education and training, and promoting the value of futures, options, and cleared swaps. The FIA works to foster a diverse and inclusive industry and to promote the use of derivatives to manage risk.
The FIA is a membership-based organization, with members from across the derivatives industry. These include exchanges, clearinghouses, commodity trading advisors, commodity pool operators, commercial end-users, and other market participants. The FIA also has international members from more than 25 countries.
Role In The Industry
The FIA plays a vital role in the derivatives industry by representing the interests of its members in Washington and around the world. This includes lobbying for sound regulation, working with policymakers to promote the value of derivatives, and promoting the use of derivatives to manage risk. Additionally, the FIA provides education and training to its members, as well as conducts research on industry trends and issues.
The Futures Industry Association (FIA) is a leading organization in the futures and derivatives industry. Founded in 1955, it represents the interests of a diverse group of companies and individuals who participate in the global derivatives markets. The FIA’s mission is to promote and enhance the integrity and competitiveness of the global derivatives markets. This is achieved through advocacy, education, and research. With members around the world, the FIA plays a vital role in shaping the future of the derivatives markets.
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